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Bush School Interactive Digital Media Design Course

Bush School IDMD Spring Semester 2021

Weeks of - 4/19 and 4/26

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan

  1. Introduce Objects
class Bubble {
  constructor() {
    this.x = 25;
    this.y = height-25;
  display() {
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, 50, 50);
  move() {

let bubb;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  bubb = new Bubble();

function draw() {
    * Update Code above to move bubble to top-right, add color, change size
    * Can you add another bubble starting from bottom-right and moving top-left?
    * Can you stop moving the bubble when your mouse hovers on the bubble?

Final Project

Complete Final Project based on custom specification designed for each student. The code should be properly organized, using functions as needed. Code should be documented with comments. The capabilities to demonstrate will be picked from the list below. The final project should contain at least 8 out of the 10 elements listed.

  1. Put Bubbles in Arrays - create lots of bubbles!
  2. Create a button to add Bubble with random inital location, direction and speed
  3. Use slider to set timer for bursting bubbles, fade bubbles to disappear in the last few seconds.
  4. Provide instructions to operate sketch outside the canvas.
  5. Bounce Bubble off canvas borders
  6. Code Bubble mouse interactions, freeze, burst etc
  7. Code interaction with Bubbles based on specific property ofthe bubble such as color, size, etc. Initiate action via a special button.
  8. Make custom shapes instead of Bubbles!
  9. “Point” your custom shape in the direction of movement
  10. Create a Perlin Noise background for your sketch


Complete pending assignments and projects

Type Format Details Due
Project Assignment Complete one of two projects Data Viz or Creative Animation 3/15/2021 OVERDUE!
Exercise Assignment Complete Week 8 Exercises 4/1/2021 OVERDUE!
Exercise Assignment Complete Week 9 Exercises 4/5/2021 OVERDUE!
Project Assignment Complete Perlin Noise Effects Project integrating Week 8 & Week 9 techniques 4/8/2021 OVERDUE
Final Project Assignment Complete Final Project as specified for each student 5/10/2021